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Photo Name Disciplines of science University
131 SANAKO Lab 100 language laboratory SANAKO Lab 100 language laboratory - Neophilology building University of Gdańsk
132 InvivO2 1000 hypoxia chamber  InvivO2 1000 hypoxia chamber University of Gdańsk
133 Oceanograf Oceanograf Research Vessel University of Gdańsk
134 MS Laboratory Mass Spectrometry Laboratory University of Gdańsk
135 Laboratory of molecular photophysics University of Gdańsk
136 Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer with UHPLC System Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer with UHPLC System University of Gdańsk
137 Workstations of QUNNA nanodiamond QUNNA nanodiamond - CORE-FACILITY Gdańsk University of Technology
138 Physical Property Measurement System Gdańsk University of Technology
139 Wideband LTE radiocommunication tester CMW500 Gdańsk University of Technology
140 X-ray diffractometer Gdańsk University of Technology