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Photo Name Disciplines of science University
61 LCMS-8050 Medical University of Gdańsk
62 Agilent 7820A Gas chromatography system with Agilent 5977E single-quadrupole mass detector Medical University of Gdańsk
63 HPLC Dionex UltiMate 3000 with CORONA CAD (Charged Aerosol Detector) Medical University of Gdańsk
64 Nikon Eclipse E600 Fluorescence Microscope Medical University of Gdańsk
65 Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal Microscope AXIO Imager Z2 Medical University of Gdańsk
66 Tissue microdissection system Medical University of Gdańsk
67 Media conditioning system HypoxyCOOL culture media conditioning system University of Gdańsk
68 Ethnographic collection Ethnographic collection of prof. Wojciech Bęben University of Gdańsk
69 Confocal fluorescence microscope MT200 Picoquant University of Gdańsk
70 FT300 Picoquant spectrometer FT300 Picoquant spectrometer University of Gdańsk