The equipment of the Machine Tools and Technological Processes Laboratory enables the production of a very wide range of parts, using the following technologies.\n• 3D milling, milling spatially complex surfaces (free-form surfaces),\n• turning with the use of multi-spindle machine tools, enabling complete machining - multi-axis lathes with driven tools,\n• plunge and wire EDM - sinker and wire EDM,\n• grinding flat and cylindrical surfaces to meet high dimensional and shape requirements - cylindrical and surface grinders,\n• very precise machining of flat surfaces to achieve high accuracy and flatness of elements - lapping machine.\nThe basic equipment of the laboratory is as follows:\n• Pinnacle AX320 5-axis milling machine with Heidenhain TNC640 control\n• CNC Lathe with Haas ST20Y Spindle and Haas Control\n• SPG2560 CNC surface grinding machine with Sinumerik 828D control\n• CNC wire EDM AccuteX AU-300iA with AccuteX control\n• AccuteX AH-35ZA borehole electro erosion machine with AccuteX control\n• COMAU industrial robots station
Manager / operator
Laboratory where the equipment is located
Access rules
Access on the basis of scientific cooperation, e.g. co-authorship in publications, participation in research projects or for a fee, access is determined separately for each project.