The r/v Oceanograf is equipped with a SeaBat 7125 multibeam echosounder (MBES) by Teledyne Reson. It can operate at two frequencies 200 and 400 kHz. The angular width of the transmitted beam for both frequencies, is 140°. The angular resolution of a single beam is 0.54°±0.03° x 1.1°±0.2° across and along the profile for 400 kHz and 1.1°±0.05° x 2.2°±0.5° for 200 kHz respectively. The maximum ping frequency reaches 50 Hz for both operating frequencies.
The device is used in conjunction with other supporting devices: GPS RTK, IMU, gyro, SVP/CTD and works based on the Qinsy. Qimera and Fledermaus (QPS) software.Multibeam echosounder is a basic echosounder used in wide-angle seafloor observation techniques and provides information on the depths present in a given study area (bathymetry). MBES enables the collection of data from the water column (eg about fish stocks or the gas released from sediment) as well as provides information on the 'hardness' of the seabed and is used to distinguish between different types of seabed, such as hard rock or soft sediments through backscatter data registrations. The MBES echosoudner is also used to identify objects on the seabed.