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Photo Name Disciplines of science University
91 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer Jasco J-1500 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer Jasco J-1500 University of Gdańsk
92 Monolith NT.115 Monolith NT.115 University of Gdańsk
93 Biacore T200 biosensor system Biacore T200 biosensor system University of Gdańsk
94 High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope MS-NEX High-Speed Atomic Force Microscope MS-NEX University of Gdańsk
95 Atomic Force Microscope BioScope Resolve  Atomic Force Microscope BioScope Resolve University of Gdańsk
96  Laboratory of Biomolecular Interactions Laboratory of Biomolecular Interactions University of Gdańsk
97 Nikon PCM2000 NIKON PCM2000 confocal scanning microscope University of Gdańsk
98 Scanning confocal microscope LEICA SP8X with white laser  1 Scanning confocal microscope LEICA SP8X with white laser University of Gdańsk
99 Scanning confocal microscope Leica HCS LSI Scanning confocal microscope Leica HCS LSI University of Gdańsk
100 Laboratory of imaging and data analysis University of Gdańsk