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Photo Name Disciplines of science University
31 ADCP_1 Acoustic doppler current profiler model Workhorse Mariner University of Gdańsk
32 USBL_1 Ultra-short baseline system model EASYTRAK Nexus University of Gdańsk
33 split-beam_1 Split-beam echosounders model EK80 (38 kHz, 120 kHz and 333 kHz) University of Gdańsk
34 SBP_1 Sub-bottom profiler model 3100P with Towfish SB-216S University of Gdańsk
35 SSS_1 Side Scan Sonar model 4200P University of Gdańsk
36 MBES1 Multibeam echosounder model SeaBat 7125 SV2 University of Gdańsk
37 Capillary electrophoresis Sciex P/ACE MDQ Plus with UV and LIF detection Medical University of Gdańsk
38 Hyperspectral Core Scanner Hyperspectral Core Scanner equiped with sCMOS-CL-50-V10E-SCB camera University of Gdańsk
39 3D printing laboratory Medical University of Gdańsk
40 Laboratory of Imaging Pathology of Cell Structure and Function Medical University of Gdańsk